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Buying Trafficmonsoon Ad Packs

trafficmonsoon ad packs

Many people make the mistake of looking at Trafficmonsoon and then seeing that the revenue sharing Trafficmonsoon ad packs cost $50 each and then throw up their hands in typical loser fashion saying there’s no way they can afford that.

I say go earn some money, or take money out of your bank or other account and trip over yourself as you rush to put that money into Trafficmonsoon ad packs because not only would you be buying lots of internet traffic for your business website, but you would be getting that money back in the form of revenue sharing over the life of that ad pack.

The more you start with the faster you grow, because when you get up to the magic number of 50, you can typically purchase a new ad pack every day, and after a month that is another 30 ad packs you own and it’s now 80.  Then another 30 and it’s 110. You are now over 100 so that is 2 per day you can buy.  It goes up exponentially with each milestone.

You can buy ad packs from your site earnings, which is great because at that point it’s no longer out of pocket and you make more and more in revenue sharing every day.


Imagine having 1000 ad packs for an average of US$1000 per day? 2000? 4000? More?  People out there have that much. I have seen people with over US$10,000 of cash in their Trafficmonsoon accounts.


So, if you’re on the fence and are scared, bite the bullet and get your butt in gear because we are taking this thing places as they prepare to open the Trafficmonsoon Bank out of Dubai.  Even without the eventual bank, it doesn’t matter. Traffic monsoon has Allied Wallet as a new credit card processor, and minus that they still have Payza (create free account here) (get a Payza account here) in their corner, so there are PLENTY of ways to get money in and out of Trafficmonsoon.

I am in a group of internet marketers who are creating funnels around Trafficmonsoon ad packs purchases as our main traffic engine which is financing all sorts of online business activities, and we plan on multiplying our earnings through smart management of this resource.

Traffic monsoon cash links are links that members buy and these are displayed in the cash links area. Once your account is verified, you can click on them and after watching the website that comes up in the frame for the required length of time and completing the code (as long as no one beats you to it) you get the money for that cash link. Cash links are only fractions of a penny to a fee pennies, but they can add up. Also, if you have already referred (sponsored) active members, you get a cut of all of this action, which adds up with the number of active people that you refer. This is a lucrative income stream within Trafficmonsoon. So, don’t diss on Traffic Monsoon cash links because they are a great part of the entire plan.

So I just mentioned Traffic Monsoon referrals. Even though it isn’t required, you’d be foolish to not try to get traffic monsoon referrals, because when they go active and buy traffic monsoon services, their sponsor (you) gets a cut of all of their traffic services purchases. It can be very lucrative. Traffic Monsoon referrals are the lifeblood of a healthy and growing traffic monsoon account, and you can use those funds to buy more ad packs for yourself or withdraw instantly. Many people are lazy, so you will have to get more traffic monsoon referrals to get a subset of them to be active, but it’s worth it. These traffic monsoon referrals can set you up for life.

Traffic monsoon earnings from all of these activities can go into the hundreds or thousands per month. Of course your success totally depends on your actions, and citing the accounts that have had great success is no guarantee of your success, but you just really need to copy and replicate what the successful Traffic Monsooners have done. They get many traffic monsoon referrals in order to buy many traffic monsoon ad packs and in turn their traffic monsoon earnings go through the roof as they further grow their traffic monsoon accounts buy acquiring more and more traffic monsoon ad packs.

There are so many heavyweight marketers in this with their ear to the ground and who have personal contact with the owner, that these silly fear mongers who are badmouthing Trafficmonsoon will soon have to eat their words as they head to the poor house.

Charles Scoville is a good guy and he wants to create a legacy here for people all over the world, many who have quit their jobs just based on the passive income they make from Traffic Monsoon.

MY group is using this as a perpetual traffic engine and we are poised to use the Trafficmonsoon ad packs gravity assist to launch our way into internet marketing orbit.

As those plans are being laid out, you can get in now to one of the funnels that will explain how we have married Trafficmonsoon ad packs with several other online businesses and already forms the basis of a powerful one two money punch.

You ain’t seen NOTHING yet!!!!


Till next time… Peace




Note: While Traffic Monsoon is fighting it out in the US Courts, for the right to sell ads and reward loyal customers, Traffic Hurricane has stepped in with a pretty similar approach, and is growing like wildfire. You can reach this advertising audience by going here.

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